Saturday, June 20, 2009


first stop.  calgary i like.  some tidbits:

wearing clothes that have all been bought this year.  shoes though are old.

cell phone died today.  same one that stopped working in late september and then worked after the bobbo's cell stopped working for me a month ago.  i asked the cell phone to work for a month.  it did...

got a lucky charm (on a necklace) from my mom as i left.  i am wearing it.  its a 19th century persia insignia (a triangle).  pretty cool.

both packs were plastic bagged at the airport.  large pack arrived open with some stuff out of it.  this is the old pack...  

thanks for the comments peeps!  this is kind of fun so far...


  1. Hey, I'll comment if it means that you post ... though if this becomes a post about your favorite equation of the day ...

    Crazy that you're on in Calgary ... how was the decent? It's a pretty city, we can meet up for the winter hockey game there on January first ... outdoor hockey, how it was meant to be played. I hope you're flying first class the rest of the way.

  2. Hi Hilya
    I am cjecking for your blog update feverishly (?)
    It is a fun way to hear what's up with you.
    Hope your computer is up and running. Neshikot harbeh

  3. lots of people have cavities in calgary…hence the toothpaste missing from large pack.
