But flying here, on a transfer flight obviously, just made me realize how close everything is, how easy, and relatively cheap, it can be to travel. And man, Amsterdam looks amazing from the sky. So much water, with islands of fields – seriously, just flat pieces of land surrounded by water where they grow wheat, or rice, or something else (I couldn’t tell from the sky, but I am pretty sure I spotted some rice grains and aren’t the Dutch world renown for their rice???). pretty cool. And right before the city there are all of these wind turbines in the water, generating electricity in an ecological way. So so cool!!! And on a Davis note, the airport smelled like cows. Seriously, cows. And this is after the Cardiff airport kind of looked like it was at the end of the world. I mean usually, you see building by airports, or some sign of civilization. Cardiff? Its way out of town (30 min train) and you see the sea and some far away land horizon. There is a farm at the edge of the airport and what looks like a watertower. Kind of cool.
And yesterday, my last eve at the conference, a bunch of us went out dancing in Cardiff. A slightly different experience than dancing in Davis, I’d say, especially since we were given the foreign eye, and hence the foreign treatment at the first club (maybe it was the mathematician/physicist eye?) either way, we didn’t make it in. ended up at another place that sold sugar flavored with vodka and some color. No kidding. They called it flavored vodka, but I know better. And, I spoke to four Welsh girls, just to see how it goes. It was all right, though I got bored fast. But they love the California accent here, it’s pretty funny… ask me to repeatedly saying things in ‘Californian’… anyway, now of to Israel, where I can practice my newly developed British accent. They won’t know the difference there, I can pull it of…
p.s. of course I bought some Gouda. It smells deliciously sinful!!!

i don't know how i feel about this newfound capitalization. next you'll be inserting y's in all your words and spelling your name hwyllwyellll.
ReplyDeletehave you visited the oriel at the senedd yet? it looks pretty crazy, like they took welsh orthography and turned it into architecture. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senedd#Interior_and_contents or more pictures at http://www.flickr.com/photos/martinrp/2050058954/sizes/l/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/erase/3288037293/sizes/l/