by the way - its still me writing this blog - there hasn't been a transformation nor a kidnapping of the main blogger (yet anyways...).
so i met keren (the camel-loving baker from davis) and in order to go out with her and a few of her friends, and as it turned out a few of her friends friends. we headed out to a place called gossip that her brother who is a barman, called one of the hottest places in tel aviv. we get there and everyone is extremely well dressed and there is a huge line. and of course israeli lines are more like clusters of cells rapidly increasing and in intense competition for every resource, constantly pushing and moving fluidly, yet the steady state equilibrium is somewhat maintained with the cluster blocking the entrance and moving in uniform. seriously, if red blood cells learned to do this - there would be very little bleeding.
anyway, keren's friend says - no problem, hadas is joining us and she knows one of the bouncers. then hadas arrives, very well dressed like everyone else all around us. and you know the moment when you meet someone who is your friend's friend's friend - and they wonder what kind of person you are? a clubber? a serious dancer? will they enjoy the night drinking with you or is it going to be an intellectual philosophical type of evening that will go into the next morning in discourse of hume kafka and maoism? and by all of that i mean, they check out how you are dressed. well that moment occurred (more than once on this night) and the eyes travelled up and down. then they, the eyes, whatever color they were, whatever makeup was decorating their ambience, saw my sandals. my shoresh (teva-like), outdoorsy, kibutz/moshav-like, definitely not tel aviv-clubbing, sandals. and the verdict was passed.
i was quite amused, quite a few times (this happened on more than one occasion) .
on my defense - i didn't know we were going to a club. i mean, i would have at least worn socks! (not with sandals.. com'on!)
this lady really did get us through the line in no time. she is a mini celeb i was told, participated in israel's equivalence of the amazing race. many people came up to her and chatted with her through the night. the girls had very positive things to say about her afterwards, which was nice as usually celebs, or min celebs, really get the run through... she is the one on the right (huh, this is my effort on competing with TMZ!)

can read about them here a bit also (you might have to use google translator...)
some impressions from the club - cool place, though extremely packed and difficult to move around in - hence dance... they put on the black eyed peas tonight's going to be a good night, and as you know, in the song at some point they say 'mazal tov'. in that part, the dj silenced the song and let the entire bar yell in unison - mazel tov! (in american pronounciation rather than israeli mazel vs. mazal). finally, israelis love to clap, and not in order to say thank you at the end (but that also) but rather in the middle of a song to show excitement. so every now and then you would see a bunch of hands go up in the air and clap, clap, clap in rhythm to the song.
clap clap. clap.