Friday, October 30, 2009


this blog is about .... you.

why not? i have writing about me for so long, its getting kind of boring. i want to write about you, give you some facebook type numbers, throw some statistics out at you (and as you know, 92.3% of the time you can make 73.14% of the statistics mean anything you want!). so here we go... some numbers to begin with:

number of readers: 48
people with multiple email addresses listed: 3
people that haven't accepted invitation: 1
people whose invitation has been removed cause they hadn't accepted it for so long: 1 (not the same person as above... so far...)
different countries represented: 6 (none from the UK... don't want to be writing about people and my life with them and then have them read it and change things...)

number of blog followers: 18
followers with pictures: 4

total number of comments: 82
day with most comments: first blog entry, day before leaving..., with 7
second most comments: 6, occurred twice - blogs about food and judaism. hmm...
number of entries with no comments: 1
person with most comments: not even close, penguinrobot leads the pack with 23, sonya is second with 11. duck and frog, with 10, started very strongly and led for the first two months... then we have neta with 7, lisa w 6...
some others of interest: two comments have been removed by their authors (suspicious???). for a person that has only commented three times total, rohit has commented twice on the same blog that dealt with Cymraeg (Welsh) and spoke of leeks... 6 comments are attributed to hillel raz though the narrator claims to have only written one of them... three comments are in hebrew, two in welsh. one comment by the narrator is an answer to a question written by a reader (stronger effort will be made to answer all of your questions...)

future topics:
the narrator thought about a few future topics, amongst them - going out at night in cardiff, beer in cardiff, pubs in cardiff, late night food in cardiff (hmm, strong theme here, eh?), math department, driving/bike riding...
are their any topics you would be interested in reading about? please do mention them and the narrator (nagged by the group of editors and pushed by the investors threats) will comply.

finally, a reader suggested that the blog be made public. if you have opposition to this, or thoughts on the matter, please share...


  1. I love contests! It's on penguinrobot, you better watch your back!!!

    I want to hear more about you, the last few posts have been more about places. How are you doing? Have you found anything resembling a veggie lately? I guess I also enjoy the food theme :)

    Is the person whose invite was removed the person I'm thinking of?

    Personally I wouldn't make it public, but that's just me. And I sometimes google people I don't know :) Like before an interview or something. Plus then you run the risk of your new friends reading it.

    # of comments up to 8, what now penguinrobot? Only 15 more to go ...

  2. hahah! you got it Neta! what do we win Hillel? a trip to visit?

    I agree with Neta, keep it private-ish. If you open it up, you'll have to edit things down to mush.

    In other news, this would make an official comment 24. I feel like Usain Bolt!
